Monthly Archives: July 2013

Kaiser crossed the bridge

That had to happen. That was bound to happen.

Kaiser dropped from above like some unfortunate raindrop. To put it literally, Kaiser slipped from the floor above my flat and landed up in my balcony. I could hear Kaiser’s meowing the night before his mother walked out on him and, I guess, he felt a little lonely that night. Legend has it that Kaiser’s mother ate his two brothers and one sister but still he was putting up with her for obvious reasons – he wanted to drink the milk and live.

That night when Kaiser started scratching my door, I realized at once that it was him – Kaiser. He was nothing like other dumb cats, he had some kind of composure, his eyes were not curious to see this world, they were dead silent. He was hungry but still he was not ready to ask for anything. He didn’t meow unnecessarily like other stray cats. When I opened my door, he took three steps back and scanned me from bottom to top. My palm was bigger than Kaiser, he was that small. I petted the poor fellow and while doing it I could feel his ribs. It felt like he was getting decomposed from within. I closed his eyes and he didn’t like that and tried to scratch my finger with his paw. I went inside and got Kaiser a bowl of milk. Kaiser kept looking at me but didn’t drink the milk. When I went in my room he licked it like a thirsty mad man who survived desert.

The next morning, I saw him sleeping in my coiled old shirt which was lying outside in my balcony. I used my old helmet and somehow made a shelter for him. Kaiser realized what I was doing and he went back to sleep. I filled his bowl with milk and kept another bowl filled with water and left for work. When I came back later in the evening, I saw Kaiser strolling around, sniffing different things in my balcony. He was in a playful mood. When he looked at me, he started following me and made attempts to lick my toenail but he was not exactly trying to lick it, he wanted to bite me for some reason. From what I could assume, my feet were some kind of living creatures for him. I sat on the ground to entertain the little fellow and he leapt to  sit on my crotch. He kept biting with his immature mouth and while doing it he slept. This happened every day for the next fifteen or sixteen days.

This other day, I was getting late for work. I didn’t do the customary game with Kaiser. When I opened my door, he was bubbling on his feet, jumping up and down. He took a jump from the railing and landed on the cardboard box next to me as if he wanted to show me that he has become unbreakable. I was in a hurry so I didn’t see him following me and he descended down stairs. The last I saw him, he was looking at me with his cold dark eyes. When I came back, he was not there at his usual place. He was nowhere in sight. I didn’t look for him and soon I forgot that he was missing. That night I read Poe’s ‘The Black Cat’ and amused myself over the idea of locking kaiser in the freezer of my refrigerator. Two days passed by and Kaiser didn’t return. The third day I went and asked my neighbour, a 37 year old married lady with 2 kids and one husband of her own. She said that she had no idea about any cat and I shouldn’t disturb her.  Next day I found out that her kids had Kaiser locked in their backyard. I went and asked her again about Kaiser. She again refused to tell the truth. I didn’t want to fight her over a kitten so I dropped the idea of punching her nose. Two days later someone told me that a small cat’s dead-body is getting decomposed in the park next to my house. I went and looked for Kaiser but I could not find him. I went and look for him the next day as well, but I could not find him or his dead body. Two days later I forgot about Kaiser’s demise.

After a month I saw this dream where Kaiser was with me, doing his usual thing. And after few seconds out of no reason I kicked him and he fell off my balcony. When I looked down, I could not see him. Then suddenly something bit me on my toe and I fell off my own balcony and the remaining dream had me just falling. I never reached the ground in my dream. I guess Kaiser did reach the ground.




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